Next up is :

Malaysia - i'm lovin' it.
30th August, Tuesday night. 8pm. CR 1026.Come dressed in traditional wear. (you can contact this blog contributor for traditional wear if you need any. she'll be more than happy to help ;))
well, hmm, to get you revved up - visit this site. it's ehm, cute. and you'd prolly learn a thing or two about malaysia too. In other news,
Switchfoot's latest. Coming out real soon. Learn more here.“What is true happiness? Is it a comfortable four-door sedan with tinted windows? Does it mean I have 2.3 children and a beautiful wife and live in a great neighborhood? Everyone has their own version of what happiness means, but many of the things we’re going for, and I include myself in this, are absurd. There’s this moment in Jewish scripture, in Ecclesiastes, where it says, ‘Meaningless, meaningless, everything is meaningless.’ That’s the place where our new record starts.” -jon foreman, switchfoot -.. and we'll see how it goes. when it comes out of course. check this page for reviews soon. ;) this blog is hoping to expand in the near future. till then, watch out for it!Blessings, all. and "Kibarkanlah Jalur Gemilang" *grinz-ho*
CF this week saw our CF members young and old, graduate and non graduate come together to tell stories of their many adventures in missionary work. We heard stories from Li Lian ( teamleader of finalyear mission trip to Cambodia 04/05 ), and graduates like Daniel Sim & Alvin Keng ( who came in 2 different types of traditional khmer men shirts) . Our former CF president Leona Lim also shared her story, along with our very own SRM person Audrey Tong ( who was dressed in traditional khmer ladies wear). Other ppl who turned up in Khmer wear were WeeLiem and ChernLiang respectively. We also managed to catch videos of our own CF members preaching, of worship in Cambodia, and of Ken having a mouthful, of , urm, deepfried cicada. For Temerloh, the whole team went upfront and each shared his/her own experience there. Our mission warriors were : Poh Yee, Peak Yin, Siva, Jin Li, Chee Yong, Daniel Khoo, Darryl & Leo. Each shared their own interesting story and I'm shure they all had fun together, not only sharing God's love with the people there, but also in working together as a team. ( btw, Siva - we're REALLY glad you're still with us). *grin* Other than that, we had a slide show showcasing some pictures from previous mission trips and visits to orphanages that we've had. We also sang the song "The Mission" by Ray Boltz Steve Green together. It really was an inspiring night for all, and I'm shure we're all looking forward to the next chance we get at sharing the love and the gospel to those that need it so much. Coincidentally, we'd be having an upcoming trip to Rumah Kanak-kanak Trinity next Friday. Those of you who have the heart for children and just wanna join them for an afternoon of fun should sign up for this. Here :
Remember, just contact Y! bennyloo or Y! jinli_84 for more information or to sign up.Also, we'd be having another OA mission trip coming up soon. The details are as follows:
And of course there is the usual Final Year Mission Trip which will happen after we finish our MMU study term. Running for 10 days ( usually ) ,to a place outside Malaysia ( usually ) and together with the happy ppl from our sister campus MMU Melaka (usually), it is certainly a mission trip to remember. And what better time - right after you 'graduate', before you start working and all.. Most importantly, think of the message and hope that you can carry and share with the people in these lands. If you're interested to join this Final Year mission trip, or just to know more.. just leave a msg at Y! joshchiam or Y! mhyshael, or if you're from Malacca campus, Y! sykoyau. ok.Events coming up :
and next week's CF :
Also.. in all things, the WORD is guide and is light. If you're interested to know more, or to study together with other enthusiasts..
;) so oogie. have a great weekend you all. and tune in here for more colorful, and hopefully up-to-date updates on CFMMU.Blessings~!
for those of you who might be wondrin (and if you are, i commend you for wondering..)there WILL be MORNING GLORY tomorrow. as usual. ( as every other week unless the opposite is announced ) 7.20am, HB1 water tank area. Should you need transport, buzz Y! michael_mcfry and should you need a wake-up call, we have our very own wake-up caller ( kinda like in the hotels ). For that service, buzz Y! leongbeatrice. Let's come together to pray. and thank God. For one thing, the haze is gone!!!! our prayers were answered :) and many more. Come along, and start your day off with a proper breakfast too.See you there then!* CFMMU - we think of everything ;) *
This the latest readings :
API in Port Klang is currently 534, Kuala Selangor 510, other areas with hazardous levels
Putrajaya 394, Shah Alam 393 and PJ 362 - Maxis Star SMS news alerts
Pls pray for mercy. [-o<
meanwhile, some announcements :

in view of that :

thank you. remember that God is still bigger than this.
REALITY BITES. happening this week at CFMMU. 8pm | CR1026 ( do take note of change of room )
who's the speak? mr vincent pee. show up to know more.