Monday, March 31, 2014

Week 3

Are you ready?
This week, we're having our very own CF battle!
Let's see who has what it takes on the battlefield. *jeng jeng jeng

Monday, March 24, 2014

Sem 3 Week 2: Dear Children

What is up pretty people!
Hope you guys had fun last week in CF, food and games, how can that not be fun!!

This week, we're gonna have more food.....but of the spiritual kind..hehe..

We're bringing in a special speaker for you guys and he's gonna talk about the topic "Dear Children"
What's "Dear Children" about you ask...
Well you gotta have to come to CF to find out! :)

So................. See you there!! :)
Date: 25th March 2014
Time: 8:00PM
Venue: FOE CR1026

Monday, March 17, 2014

First week of 3rd Sem, 2014!

"Hello you MMU-ians (: First semester in a few hours, are YOU ready? 

Even if you're not, here's something specially organized by MMU Christian Fellowship. YOU are cordially invited to join us for our "Welcome Back Parteh". There will be worship, games, food and good company!" 

If you've been to CF before, we can't wait to meet you again! If not, we can't wait to get to know you :)
Hope to see you tomorrow!

In His service,
Ah Fong