The just recent CF Camp in Raub is unlike before(the food,the activities) and the message of living for God, for others and also for ourselves all blends well in the perfect juxtaposition that we needed after our stressful week of exams.
There's definitely no regrets for those who stayed for this before returning to their comfy homes.Even the unexpected constancy of the rain did not seem to stop the campers from having fun in the 'gripping' activities.
The camp is awesome, I met lots of new friends, get to know the CF members more closer and some of them are crazy enough to have fun. Hehe......but most of all, its fun to have fellowship together, worshiping the God who created us and learned more deeply about him.
-David Foooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo~-
I never expected it would be at a National Service camp site(nostalgic). Even though it was raining the first day during the kayaking that day (I might have forgotten most of the skill), it was still fun as ever. I also have to thank the committee for organizing such unique games.
It’s an eye opener of possibilities as I discovered there more use of instant noodles other than eating. The sermon given by the invited preacher is informative and motivates me to understand more about myself and how to serve ‘the man upstairs’ better.
This camp was exciting and full with memorable memories which I will cherish it for a very, very long time. I hope that the next camp will be even better and I can’t wait for that time to come.
Got to know some of the CF’s culture here who camwhore just like playing with mirror. Hahaha! The amount of pics taken in this 3 days camp have been more than the total amount of what I've took for the past 1 year. You guys know lah, I damn shy wan weh >.<>
The food was awesome; I don't believe I can quite adequately emphasize how glad I was on the quality of the food that was served. Certainly it far surpassed the kind of meals that I have come to associate with camps.
The company was awesome too (of course they are ) and the free time that we had was a great time to get to know the other campers better. On this note, I might suggest that more free time be allocated for the campers to do what they do best - bond and have fun!

an unforgettable camp~