Sunday, November 22, 2009

Something ABOUT PAUL!! (last gathering)


Hi GUY/GIRL (s) ^^ WE will be discussing a mysterious person name PAUL. Some of you might think who the HECK is PAUL?, so Come and find out ;)

location : CR 1027 -lo~
Time : 8:00pm -lo~


Sunday, November 15, 2009

ReCap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!On last week


Last week, Annette have taught us about being real and accountability. In the activity carried out, we learn to understand the meaning of being real and opening up to others. We must not be afraid to acknowledge our weakness to others or problems we face, as we are one family, one body. We also must practice what we believe and say unto others. Thus,we must always be accountable to each other in everything we do. Our relationship will be much fruitful.Any troubles we encounter shouldn't be hidden and to be carried alone as we are meant to be a family,one body.We also must be sensitive and willing to put ourselves in others shoes (literally) as we should be our brother's keeper. =)

sorry didnt have pics :P

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Comin' up..GET REAL ,Nov 10th

Another week , another exciting gathering =D We will be exploring what it mean to be real and accountable to others. Don't miss this fun learning activity on the 10th of Nov. Hope to see you guys there!! :)

location : CR 1027
Time : 8:00pm , not A.M. guys :P

Tuesday, November 03, 2009




Guys and Girls!! We are having this awesome sell to raise funds for the upcoming "AGAPE" event. Please do come and give your support!!. Invite your friends and your friends' friends,the friends' friends,the friends' friends,the friends' friends,the friends' friends,the friends' friends,the friends' friends,the friends' friends,the friends' friends,the friends' friends,the friends' friends,and on XD to have a stop at our stall ^^