Previously, Auntie Annette shared with us the meaning of CF's new theme:from 'Go Forth' into another step forward,B.E.I.N.G.
BEING by itself speaks of living out the Christian faith in our daily lives and to be genuinely transformed to become more Christ-like. We are called to “being” church not “doing” church.
Building Authentic Faith
Establishing Worshipful Lifestyle
Impacting Lives
Nurturing Relationship
Giving Unto Our Community
It's time we break the fences which limiting us in showing God's love...
of us applying the new theme in our lives
Those who are interested can listen to the podcast of the entire session here.More podcasts on previous Cfs can be accessed at the podcast link at the hot links--->

Not forgetting those who are celebrating birthdays for this month; also known as June Big Babies;) God bless!!!