CF this coming Tuesday at FITCR3003 at 8.00pm; what lies belong our mirror?
Thank God it's Friday prayer meeting will be on as usual where we pray on any needs and issues of today=)
Starting from next Friday onwards,they will be a New Believer Bible's Class conducted by our CF's advisor,Dr. Ian. So for those who are interested please give your names to Jonathan Gurupatham (Y!:jon_armani89)
Last week we had a message brought to you by Bro. Steven Low.
People these days face a lot of problems. There are four major problems that are primal fundamental pain of d heart(hurt), Sinicism of the mind, paralysis of one will, and overcrowding of the soul(no rest). Sometimes life is just too painful some of us and we do try to escape by going for movies, taking drugs, sex and other stuffs. The purpose of God’s word is to give us an insight about our identity, our purpose in this world, the reason we are here, and the place we’ll be going to after this. The Bible contains doctrines, instructions, and corrections. We are running the race of life and after we finish the race we are going home to be with our Father. God has a plan for every one of us in this life, so serving God is never ever in vain. The Bible was written by 40 different individuals inspired by God. There are many story books sold all over the world but the Bible but none can be compared with the Bible. This is because only the Bible brings changes and transformation in people’s life. It is the ‘revealed will of God’. God’s word is kindness, brings joy to us and also a weapon against our enemies. That makes the Bible the number one seller in the world until now. There are five steps we can follow to have God’s word planted in our hearts at all times. 1, Read God’s word. 2, Study God’s word. 3, Preach God’s word. 4, Memorize God’s word. 5, Meditate God’s word. There are seven things we should ask ourselves when reading God’s word. 1) Is there a sin to renounce? 2) Is there a promise I should claim? 3) Is there an error I should avoid? 4) Is there an example for me to follow? 5) Is there a command I should obey? 6) Is there a new discovery about God? 7) Is there an attitude I should change?
Last night was CRAZY!!!Woohoo! It's basically a sketch thingy hosted by Mr. Glen where groups are suppose to create a minidrama(with bizarre conditions attached) based on the theme of CF:B.E.I.N.G.
Everyone had such a great time acting as well as seeing others in action and we get to see some unimaginable talents from the sporting juniors!
Yo!Yo!Yo!It's Lepak Night this Tuesday.Super happening.We have games and some other fun stuff.Make sure you bring your friends along.This is not something that you will wanna miss! Passion Tour coming your way soon!BE VERY VERY EXCITED!!!
It's TGIF on every Friday,do come and join us pray!
Last week we had Pastor Sandra Chin to speak on the topic regarding worship to God. The main verse for the topic is Genesis 22:1-18.We should have a heart of worship at all times and live up our hands to worship God like David do. Heart of worship doesn't simply mean worshipping Him in song but being in the state which your heart wants to glorify Him
On Tuesday,8th July we have a guest speaker Pastor Sandra Chin!!!So do come to CF at 8pm at FIT3003;) The TGIF prayer meeting will be at the same time and the same meeting point:)
Last week is the launching of ministries of CF for ALL THE CF MEMBERS to participate in serving God.It's time we use our talents or even interest for his purpose.As for those who are interested but have not yet registered please do contact anyone of us=)
Prayer And Worship Ministry -Singers and musicians during during Praise and Worship sessions -Emphasize worship as a lifestyle among members
Prayer Ministry -Prepare,conduct and coordinate prayer meetings -Encourage prayerful lifestyles and small group prayers Rachel Loh (Y!:rachel.reichieru)
Education Ministry -Contact speakers while informing them about the background and state of CF -Organize/coordinate bible studies/new believers' class -Keeping resource of bible study materials, recorded sermons, good articles, etc
Jonathan Gurupatham(Y!:jon_armani89)
Publicity Ministry -To let campus students know that the CF exists -Publicize events and activities within and outside CF -Maintain blog and coming out with creative slides
Inreach/Outreach Ministry -Welcoming new people and helping them feel at home in CF -Encourage evangelism within the CF -Organize/coordinate local missions(e.g. orphanages,homes,social) -Finding out events in campus and encouraging CF members to participate
Glen Ooi(Y!:glenooi),Amy(Y!:amy_stt1987)
IT IS ALSO THE LAUNCHING OF CGs!!!!(Care Groups) Victor Kee(Y!:kweekit)-CG members are of greater than normal friends;in a way there will persuade you to attend lectures instead of signing attendance for you. Kenny Yeoh(Y!:maxi_rab)-Care Group, where we get together to berbonding-bonding; get to know one another and have fun as well as support one another in various ways. Jonathan Yee(Y!:jonslyee)-CG is a place where you learn to develop your character and a place to hone your skills and talents..a place where you feel belonged and a place to draw support and strength from your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ... Sue-Jane(Y!:suejane_88)-It's a family,where everyone care for one another:)
For those who have do not have a Care Group do contact Jacintha Loke(Y!:jacinthaloke)
Hey!!!For those who are leaving for the Putrajaya trip on 4th of June.Please look at the list and make sure your name is in there. If it is not, please inform Amy Sim (Y!:amy_stt1987)
Cyberia people meet up at A1 Water Dispenser at 5.30pm while hostel people at the zebra crossing by 5.45pm
Drivers confirm with your passengers where you will be meeting them; likewise to the passengers. We appreciate your service in lending out your car :D
As we shall be watching HANCOCK at 9.50pm, punctuality is essential. Please all gather together with driver and your passenger by 6.00pm at MMU bus stop Do EAT before you come. Things to bring: a)Money for movie, food, petrol and other entertainment fees. b)Good shoes to walk c)Camera
gary glen caryn wang ying jee hor
yih tsern clarence joachim alvin lim kevin
kenny cornelius kenny yeoh ai mie rebecca ashley
jonathan yee aaron lee jee hwa elvin jay sern
james lim bryan wong sue jane fish jeremy
lai hoong victor kee rachel alvin arul
Malacca campus:hui li, ling li, jerome, sullivan, fabian, joshua, zi jian, edmund, kee weng and marianne