Last week is the launching of ministries of CF for ALL THE CF MEMBERS to participate in serving God.It's time we use our talents or even interest for his purpose.As for those who are interested but have not yet registered please do contact anyone of us=)

-Singers and musicians during during Praise and Worship sessions
-Emphasize worship as a lifestyle among members
Prayer Ministry
-Prepare,conduct and coordinate prayer meetings
-Encourage prayerful lifestyles and small group prayers
Rachel Loh (Y!:rachel.reichieru)

-Contact speakers while informing them about the background and state of CF
-Organize/coordinate bible studies/new believers' class
-Keeping resource of bible study materials, recorded sermons, good articles, etc
Jonathan Gurupatham(Y!:jon_armani89)
-To let campus students know that the CF exists
-Publicize events and activities within and outside CF
-Maintain blog and coming out with creative slides

-Welcoming new people and helping them feel at home in CF
-Encourage evangelism within the CF
-Organize/coordinate local missions(e.g. orphanages,homes,social)
-Finding out events in campus and encouraging CF members to participate
Glen Ooi(Y!:glenooi),Amy(Y!:amy_stt1987)

Victor Kee(Y!:kweekit)-CG members are of greater than normal friends;in a way there will persuade you to attend lectures instead of signing attendance for you.
Kenny Yeoh(Y!:maxi_rab)-Care Group, where we get together to berbonding-bonding; get to know one another and have fun as well as support one another in various ways.
Jonathan Yee(Y!:jonslyee)-CG is a place where you learn to develop your character and a place to hone your skills and talents..a place where you feel belonged and a place to draw support and strength from your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ...
Sue-Jane(Y!:suejane_88)-It's a family,where everyone care for one another:)
For those who have do not have a Care Group do contact Jacintha Loke(Y!:jacinthaloke)