Sunday, April 22, 2012
KTHXBAI!!! :: Farewell :: 24 April 2012
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
IF Camp 2012 Registration
= Registration is Close=
Date: 21st May 2012 – 23rd May 2012 (3 days 2 nights)
Fees: RM135.00(deposit rm50)
late bird:rm140
Monday, April 16, 2012
FES Jubilee Torch Run / CF Handover :: 17-April
Sunday, April 08, 2012
Monday, April 02, 2012
ReCaP :: Following Jesus in the Real World :: 20 March

For our last CF meet, we had something a little different. We had a forum style meet where we invited 4 graduates from each faculty (FOE, FIT, FOM, and FCM) to basically share what following Jesus in the real world means to them and what challenges they face as Christians in the secular world.
To start things off we had Ee Chia who is an FIT graduate, who is currently working for Malaysia Kini. From her point of view following Jesus in the real world is to do something meaningful with her life to make an impact or bring about change for the better and her guiding principal has always been love your neighbor as yourself. She believes that alternative media sources like Malaysia Kini are important because they give coverage to news that is usually not picked up by our mainstream media. It also provides an avenue for her to speak up for those whose plight goes unnoticed.
Next up, we had Sarah Fong, an FOM graduate. She believes that everything we’re doing now is as real as it’s gonna get, rushing through assignments, dealing with people, relationships, basically our struggle’s in uni life. But she believes everything happens for a reason and has a purpose. Like for her when she graduated from here, she wasn’t a Christian. But when she entered the working world, being caught up in all the stress, not doing what she likes, because actually her dream was to start up a kindergarten, having nowhere to turn to, almost wanting to give up on her dream, she had a friend who brought her to church without even preaching a single word of the gospel, and on that day itself she got saved. And even with a small, somewhat trivial changes like just simply smiling more, people started to notice the difference in her and she even got the opportunity to share her faith with others. And soon she had a calling to go into full time ministry. She’s still working as an accountant but is also now a children’s pastor at her church.
After that, we had Audrey an FCM graduate to share. She had 3 points to share with us which were calling, conviction or character and community. Firstly, her calling, upon graduation, she wanted to find a job that would help her balance between her working life and serving God. She didn’t really go into the creative industry because it’s almost impossible for her to balance both on them given the nature of working in the creative industry. So she took a break and at that time she went for a camp organized by the graduate CF. Then, the speaker there made an appointment for her to meet her HR manager in the company she works in, she didn’t take the job but volunteered for another camp they were organizing and after that camp she once again got invited to join their company, and it was a dilemma for her as she wondered if she took the job, could she balance between her working life and serving God. But after the camp she realized that work and ministry does not necessarily have to be separate things, it could be together and the work that you do could be an avenue to serve and glorify God, and she took the job. She works for Leaderonomics, a social enterprise, and runs youth leadership development programs. Next was conviction or character. When you’re in the working world, even though you may have Christian colleagues you still may face the same struggles. And that’s why good character is so important to make sure you don’t stumble. Finally, community, to really be able to follow Jesus in the real world, we all need support, even though you know your calling and have a very good character, if you’re alone, you might fall. So it’s better to have someone to look out for you.
And lastly we had Alvin Bong from FOE. He said there would be many grey areas in the working world, but what we can do is that now as students we can take a stand and when later on we face those grey areas like for example, working on Sundays or having to skip your cell group meeting due to work or being encouraged to drink and smoke by your colleagues or even superiors at the work place, what would we do? It’s better to make up our minds now, so later when faced with these kind of situations, we’d already know what to do.
Well that kinda the round up of what our 4 speakers spoke and what we did in our last CF meet. Hope this helps. Thank you and God bless J