Monday, August 13, 2012

People Trivia

Hello~~ It's week 10 of the semester already!! And this week we are going to have something fun. Hmm.. an inter CG trivia night + GAMES!!

Do you know who your CG leader is? Do you know who your CG members are? (Y) if you do. But if you don't, it's OK! Here you go. :)

Or, if you don't know which CG you are in, don't worry, you are still welcome!

It's good to discover more about each other to build real relationships. We really want to build that with each other as a CG, as a CF and also as a family of God. So see you at the usual time, at the usual place!! 

Date: 14/08/2012
Time: 8.00pm
Venue: FOE CR1026

P.S. We are going to give out the 40-Day Fast and Prayer booklets in CF tomorrow. If you havent got your copy, make sure you do. Let's pray for our country and also not to forget to put the truth in action. God bless.