Date: 1/10/2012 -- 3/10/2012
Venue: Methodist Cheefoo Center, Cameron Highlands
This is where it begins... |
The experience of Mission 516 was truly an extraordinary one. From the formation of the committee to the closing of the camp, it was really great. Throughout this journey, there were really many fresh experiences from God. The camp theme for instance, I actually did not know what the camp should really be about. I asked around and one of my housemates asked me "Why don't you pray about it?" True enough, within 5 minutes, God revealed to me the portion of Sermon on the Mount about being salt and light.
Another incident was regarding finance. We were told that the MMU bus does not go to Cameron Highlands and we were forced to rent a bus, It was way over budget. I prayed "God, if this is your plan, surely you will provide." Within the same night, 2 sponsors came forward and provided for the camp. God does really provide for his people. Pray and you will be given, seek and you shall fin, knock and the door will be opened to you.
Coming to the camp itself, I was really encouraged on how people were really excited for the camp but gathering PUNCTUALLY. It was really an uplifting atmosphere. The people were really high in spirit and I really felt very encouraged. The message was also really great spoken through Pastor Dave. Overall, this journey has really taught me a lot of things and gave me fresh experiences with God.
Signing off,
Derictor |
Hello people! How are you all doing? It's been about two week after our CF camp. Honestly, I miss the camp a lot, especially you, fellow campers! It is a blessing to be able to attend the camp. I almost cannot make it due to some personal issue but thank God for His awesome plan. I managed to go and here I am telling you my personal experience I gained through the camp! I promise it will be a short one. :P
This camp is a little different compared to the previous ones I attended. Probably because it is my last camp is much more relaxing and 'lepak' compared to those I attended before; and it is a good thing. I managed to bond with the fellow campers, get to know each other more, and not to forget the awesome weather and the breath-taking view!
If you ask me what I enjoyed most during the camp, I would say I enjoyed it every single moment, from games to messages and to the extremely super cold weather :D The messages given by Pastor Dave gave me a very big impact and made me realize the importance of being the salt and light no matter where you are of what you do. It was indeed a very influential message. So, I urge each and every one of you to go for the coming camps. You will gain something unexpectedly awesome. Trust me! :D
Before I end this, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the M516 Camp committees for all the hard work they made to make this camp such a big success! And of course, not to forget our awesome Heavenly Father. With His greatness, everything is possible! Last but not least, thanks to each of you for making it a memorable last CF Camp for me. God bless each and every one of you!
Esther |
Reminiscing the recent CF Camp 2012 that has just passed, which is given a title "Mission 516" that hinted the theme verse of
Matthew 5:16, it was a camp experience like no other, for such a camp is exemplary and of its calibre. And if I were to find a list of words to replace the word "camp", it would be this: breakaway, escape, recuperation, rediscovery.
Any participation of this camp cannot deny that this CF Camp is indeed a breakaway and escape. The venue, Methodist Centennial Chefoo Centre is very much a tranquil and peaceful place that is away from the urbanity's hustle equipped with its pristine surroundings. The schedule of the camp complements with the venue, by being designed to not strain further on its weary participants whom quite worn out from the examinations that has passed. This combination of venue and schedule creates the perfect setting for relaxation and contemplation of life.
The significance and impact of this camp however, lie in the last two words of the list aforementioned: recuperation and rediscovery. It is rather common that one is refreshed after a certain trip to somewhere; a successful CF camp in my opinion however should be able to have its participants to restore the faith and trust unto the Lord, and also to reconnect, or improve the connections with Him, and from there wisdom and values can be discovered or even rediscovered. Without doubt, this CF camp has accomplished all of the above, at least in my perspective.
It has been quite a while since I have accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior but it has also really been awhile since I experience His love and compassion, His might and power, His awe-inspiring greatness and wonder in such full-blown proportion. The three days and two nights endured are three days and two nights of coming to know Him better, to regain the wisdom once received and probably lost, to remind ourselves our duty and obligations as Christians on the face on the earth, and to personally experience the good works of our Heavenly Father that derives from His love to us that I believe will be shared to others who have not come to know of Him.
It was also in this camp that I rediscover an important fact which resolves what I have been struggling with for the years that have passed-there are nothing to worry or be anxious of, for any further emotional engagement on a certain problem or situation is of no help to relieve, improve or resolve the circumstances. It was the incident of a misplaced key in a locked room that invited my anxiety and self-blame, along with raging emotions and untamed fury. It was Deric who came to give his consultation based on
Matthew 6:25-34, that in a nutshell says: even the birds that do not plant their food nor kept in the barn are fed by God, what more humans who are valued even higher than the birds; we should not worry for God knows what we seek, but we should seek for His kingdom and righteousness. Upon hearing this, another fact appears in my mind that struck as hard as the advice Deric has given: that whatever there are problems and stress that engulfs us, we can lay them to the Lord, just as how we surrender our lives and its fate into His good hands, and He will make a way for us. That verse of the Bible also came to appear in my devotion for the next day, and I believe that this is no coincidence: this is God trying to tell me in many ways. The message was delivered so many time in so many places, that such redundancy had made that message clear and effective, waiting to be received and regurgitate.
It is in this camp also that I felt a string sens of calling from Him to follow his ways. I remember that during one of the sessions when Pastor Dave Yeow, the speaker for the camp from Acts Church, said that we need to do three things in order to be, or be in our way as the salt and light: showing and sharing God's love, to be connected to a local church, and reading the word of God. These words echoed within the desolate spaces in me, and there was a propelling urge and surge within me to obey. And after the camp ended, I have started to read His words, first by getting a full Bible instead of the present New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs, and then reading according to Pastor Dave's a-Proverb-chapter-a-day idea as well as according to the Bible-in-a-year reading plan written in the back of the book. And so far, as at this time of writing, I have conducted this with no fail, and I have gained a gratifying amount of wisdom from His words that does not only teach and describe the ways of the Prophets, but also comfort and warm my heart. And by His will I shall continue this deed. So is the act of sharing love, as I strive to do that by first honoring my parents and love my little sister, and then spread this share and care to others too. As a staunch believer of he power of prayers, I have begun to pray for people that I do not personally know, which I think that the Holy Spirit in me has facilitated this. And the longing to attending a congregation is stronger than ever, although it is the hardest challenge amongst all three due to certain circumstances. But in God's grace and power, I shall find one to serve, and amongst the congregation I shall find one to be my mentor in spiritual life.
As it seems, the camp was a camp that did not just discuss the topic of salt and light in great depths, but also an avenue of rejuvenation of the faith and trust to the Lord, a refreshed hunger and thirst for Him and His wisdom apart from His blessings and love, a catalyst for metamorphosis and evolution to be a better Christian, and yet again a reminder of His might and authority. This camp was not just a retreat; it was an epiphany-a revelation and insight on how we have lived our lives, and how we should live a life that pleases Him, which is in adequate to His expectations, that is in accordance to His will.
They say, "I came, I saw, I conquered," but I would say, "I came, (I) was touched, (I) am determined". I was touched by His wonders through testimonials and how He bless us with the intangible blessings like protection and health, and I am determined to stay in the path to His kingdom, no matter how rocky it can get. And indeed I also felt blessed and grateful to experience all of this and more in a blissful scene where the sun rises along with the singing of hymns and praises by a group of faithful, elderly people who were there concurrently for a bible study session to signify the start of each new day full with enthusiasm and hope in His glory.
Benjy |
Praise God for He is The King of Kings and Lord of Lords! God is truly amazing. There are many things in my life that I've experienced all because of His Love, Mercy and Grace.
I've asked myself about why I am here in MMU Cyberjaya, but I got the answer for I know for sure that it's God's work. The first amazing thing that happened here was, when I was looking for Christian Fellowship (CF) and have asked many people in University, but none gave me a proper answer, instead they said this, "You will Know". So, I asked God, "It is your will that I am here, and I know for sure that you have great plans in store for me.". So with faith I just prayed and asked God to show me a way. I didn't know that MMUCS is a registered club. So, by not knowing that MMUCS is a registered club, I wouldn't have gone for the Clubs and Society day, since I travel everyday to University and would not have time to attend the clubs and societies but I wouldn't mind making time for CF, haha. So after praying for God to show me a way, on Monday, the 2nd week of the semester, this wonderful person by the name of Jasmine Kerk Wei Min adds me on Facebook having mistaken that I am not the person she knows, she said she met me during CF while I am still new here. After resolving the confusion, I told her that I have been looking forward to joining the CF and she invited me saying, "please join us tomorrow (Tuesday) at 8pm.". This is a "WOW" for me that God has answered my prayer. Who would have thought that someone will add you and invite you. It is The Most Amazing and Exciting thing that has ever happened in My life.
Ever since that day, I've been joining the CF and truly it is Blessing and an amazing experience being together with the same peer, learning from each other and many more amazing things. I can proudly say that I am growing spiritually with these wonderful people here.
Another amazing thing was the CF camp which I attended in Cameron Highlands. This being my first CF camp experience and with the same peer, it was awesome. It was spiritually rejuvenating as I have been having many questions which I have been asking God and indeed, He revealed with amazing answers. There is work to be done to be The Salt and Light of the world and of our Campus. There was something which the pastor said that has truly encouraged me. He said that being motivated by Love is not all about our prayers being answered, but by caring for others and even if our prayers are not answered, it is ok, just continue to pray for He will answer in His time and His will. Be Joyful in Hope, Patience in Affliction, and Be Faithful in Prayer ~
Romans 12:12. This also reminds me of the 40 days fast and prayer that we did together, we prayed and we saw great things happening. There is Power in The Name of Jesus. There is Power in The Blood of Jesus. God Is Good!
Josh |
I have been asking people around if they would like to share their camp experience on the blog, but I missed out myself. Got reminded by Michelle that I actually have something to share as well.
When compiling the writings that they passed to me, it's very encouraging to see how each of them have experienced God in different ways. Our God is so so awesome and He never ceases to bless each and every one of us. =)
I actually went to camp with something that had been bothering me. During the camp, I got the question answered. God gave me all those shakings and pokings to protect me. Glad that I went to camp and talked to Pastor Dave. The message given was enlightening and once again it refreshed my mind that I need to play my role as salt and light.
It's my first CF camp and I absolutely enjoyed the environment and the bonding with the campers, what more it's a place of nature. I am actually quite an introvert person, but because of the encouragement from brothers and sisters, I find myself slowly becoming an ambivert. We all have our struggles but with God, everything is possible. Just like to quote
Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Him who gives me strength." I believe that M516 is made possible because God worked in and through everyone who participated, and He is still working in ways we do not see.
P.S. I received financial blessing for the camp. =) Daddy knows best.
Be joyful always,
Kim |
It was fun and most importantly, fulfilled its main objective of delivering its message across to all campers in a fun and interesting manner. and while reflecting, it reminded me once again to not forget to be salt and light. It was an enjoyable and relaxed camp but nevertheless there was still slight noticeable flaws like participants given too much free time.Yeah other than that it was an enjoyable, closely bonded camp :)
Eunice |
hmmm… 1st CF camp experience? The word that best describe the camp is fun. I enjoyed everything we did. We joke around, play games, eat together, sleep together, pray together, sit and listen to Pastor Dave’s sermon together & also shop for strawberries together. Even riding the bus was fun especially when we were on the way back to Cyberjaya. Some of them were singing so passionately at the back of the bus and it was hilarious (entertaining). And I realized that the CF people are fond of taking pictures. Haha. Somehow, there will always be someone behind the scene snapping photos of everything we did in the camp.
Everyone in the camp was friendly and I felt belong. I could also sense their strong passion for God. It was a pleasure to be there with them because it boosts up my spiritual hunger for God. Before the camp, I was spiritually dry. During the camp, I was reminded that as Christians, we are to be the salt and light of the world. It’s impossible to be salt and light if we ourselves are spiritually dried. Like what Pastor Dave (speaker of M516) said, we need to be plug on to our source of energy for 24 hours or be recharged in order to be salt and light. If not, our motivation as Christians will gradually wear off and we tend to forget our mission. God’s presence was there throughout the camp and I was spiritually renewed.
Pastor Dave’s sermon was interesting and he himself was funny. I liked the testimony he shared on the 2nd day. The testimony began with a boy whose mum was healed from cancer because the CF of his school prayed for his mum. The boy became a believer and he shared his testimony. A girl who listened to his testimony got saved. This girl went back to her hometown in Sabah and shared the gospel with her mum and sis. Her sister, who also got saved, saved 2 foreigner students from China that came for their CF meeting. The testimony was inspiring because it tells us that by playing our role as salt and light, we can make a huge impact on others without even noticing it. A good question to ask ourselves that Pastor Dave proposed, will the rest miss us if we Christians left the community?
I’m grateful
that I've attended the camp. It was worth it. I’m glad that my friend came
along too. I wouldn't be in the camp if it wasn't for her. Anyways, both of us were
blessed during the camp. And I believe others were blessed too.
Wee Nee |
Pastor steals the limelight. xD |
Let your light shine before men that they may know your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. Amen!