We'll have someone to share with us on "Money Matters", the Christian perspective!
Sounds boring? (I can hear you yawn!Haha) Well, I know it's not your typical "God loves you" topic but we've gotta agree that money is undeniably a need to survive in this world. And sometimes we place too much/too little importance in money issues.
Too much; putting money before God. Too little; don't bother planning/budgeting finances
Hence, in tomorrow's fellowship, we get to learn how to use/plan our money wisely.
The plans of the diligent lead to profit, as surely as haste leads to poverty. Proverbs 21:5 (NIV)
So we had our first paintball outing last weekend and guess how'd it turned out?
All in all, we had a great time shooting and getting shot! *laughs* It's really awesome to discuss strategies, battling in the "war zone" and later feast on Bak Kut Teh together! These are the messages/feedbacks from the participants after the game:
Before the game, she said this:- " I do not know what was I thinking when I registered for this..."
Had a great first paintball experience! Amelia
Thanks for the paintball outing :-) The pain is starting to show now haha. But yah, it was nice! Joshua
Regret you didn't join us? Don't be! MMU CF committees will organize more AWESOME events for us to bond as a big family :)
P/s Christian Fellowship later! Remember it's at FOE CR 1026, 8pm.
First of all, The E.N.D means, TheEnergy Never Dies!! (totally ripped that off BEP's album)
Moving on, Welcome to a media filled blog post!!
This might or might not be your standard CF post. You have been warned! @.@
There's no CF this week, or for this sem for that matter. Weekly CF meetings will resume next semester.
Now, for a little recap and some goodies!! *not really*
We started CF in Week 3. Some of you know this, some noticed, some din't, for those who don't know, all the title of the blog post this semester are song titles!!! XD
Week 3: Let's get it started
*Just realized I started and ended with BEP this sem*
Week 4: Marchin On
*Alpha tour? More like Senior Tour featuring Alphas*
Week 5: Break Up
*the good kinda break up*
Week 6: One Love
*ahhh Duncan!! err, I mean One love..unity..yeahh*
Week 7: Lean on Me
*cory :/*
Week 8: Young, Wild and Free
*not really appropriate for CF huh? Oh well, YOLO*
Week 9: Who Am I
*wait? what? A Christian song?*
Week ∞: Resting Hour
*loves!! :3*
Week 10: Unbreakable
*Weee! Managed to put a westlife song in!! *cries* *
Week 11: Everybody
*if you din't dance to this when you were a kid, I'm sorry for you :| *
Week 12: Bridges
* I totally can't remember what song I was thinking then, here's KP's Roar instead. :/ *
Week 13: Run
*so hipster! No proper audio track online*
Week 14: The E.N.D
Waitttt! The E.N.D is the album..not a song!! =.="
*deal with it*
All nonsense aside, I would like to thank God for this awesome semester, all the ups and downs, everything!
Also thank YOU!! Yes, YOU!!! You are what makes CF, well, CF!
Good Luck with your finals guys. Still got time to study, so..
FOE BR1022 is free for you guys tonight if you wanna study there! :))
If you're tired and feel like flipping tables, remember this...
30 Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall:
31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
One of my favourite verses, so yeahhh, you're in good hands! :)
Also, If you still don't know what to do during sem break, CF CAMP LA WEI!!
It's gonna be AWESOME! FOR SURE!
If it's not awesome, Kim the President, will die her hair green next sem!
So register yourself, a little secret between you and me, you can still get the early bird price if you ask for it. :p
Sorry if I offended anyone this sem, through these blog post or in person.
If you are offended, I'm offended that you're offended!! *kidding*
Our, theme for CF this year was and is to impact or change the lives of others through our action. Preach the gospel, If necessary use words. - Francis of Assisi <-- deep="" huh.="" nbsp="" p="" some="" stuff="">
But yeah, hope you guys can remember all that you've learned in CF this sem!
So now, go out there and preach! XD
See you guys in or around campus or in CF Camp or Next sem!
Till then, keep prayin', keep rockin!! :))
Bye! :)
I expected more media...oh well...here's a picture of a puppy..
I just had to let that out. Anyways, this week in CF, a bunch of people from RunNat will be coming over to talk about....err RunNat.
What's RunNat?
"Run for the Nation" or RunNat for short is
a single morning running event that sees Christians praying as they run
throughout selected areas in the city or town where the event is held.
Come to CF this week and they'll explain more about the hows and why and also the objective of RunNat.
RunNat will be held on 5th October which is during our sem break. So if any of you are interested, you can bring RM40 tomorrow to register.
This week we'll be learning about the 10 COMMANDMENTS.
Simple enough!
But you'd be surprised about how much you can learn from this 10 simple commandments.
We've got some activities to make this one interesting...I think...
If there are no activities, it's still a pretty interesting topic. XD
Ms Annette from FES will be the speaker and the one conducting the activities.
PIC COMBO: Kim the President and Wee Nee the Wez Nez
Out of Topic: I've decided to make this a weekly thing, comment with you favorite TV series on Facebook.
Hello! It's Week 7! And you know what that means right?
Yeah me neither. :|
Anyways, congratulations on making it this far!
This week in CF we're gonna have...sorry the voices tell me not to tell you.
It's a surprise!!!
But the title and the pic in this post might give you a little clue.
Also I need you guys to bring something. One(Uno, Satu, 一, ஒன்று, Une) Item along with you. This can be something that represents you or just anything that belongs to you that you can hold in One hand.
Kim and Vivian will be your PIC! See you guys there! :D
MMU Christian Society had planned to have its AGM on 25 June 2013 (Tuesday) and we also planned that right after AGM, we would bring the juniors and newcomers to have an "Alpha Tour" in putrajaya at night. This plan was decided by the committee long time ago but little did we expect that there would be a haze hitting Malaysia so badly...
When I woke up on 23 June 2013 (Sunday morning) to church, the haze was really bad here in Cyberjaya. And the haze didnt go away. We had been praying for the haze to be cleared so that the Putrajaya tour would not need to be canceled. On Sunday night, Benjamin said that he would fast and pray on Monday, and the rest of us could join him if we wanted. So I joined him.
However, the haze condition on Monday appeared to be worse than Sunday's. It didnt get any better even until at night. Some of us went to Putrajaya at night to check out the haze condition in Putrajaya, and found that it was bad, although not as bad as in Cyberjaya. And also on that Monday night, I had to make a decision on whether to continue with the touring plan or to call it off. So I decided to carry on with the plan. I really didnt want to cancel or postpone the tour. There was more pressure as one of the members was very concerned about our Putrajaya tour despite the high API reading.
My mum called me on Monday night too, and I told her about this Putrajaya tour that CF was planning to carry out. I told her that I was fasting and praying. That time my roommate, a non-believer, was in the room, so she overheard my conversation and knew the reason why I refused to have lunch that afternoon. Having the fasting being known by my roommate, I asked God to please show His power the next day.
On Tuesday (25th June 2013) morning, I woke up to check the API, and then also texted Navin to ask about Putrajaya's haze condition. What I got was the API increased, and on the other hand, Navin told me that the condition was better than that of monday evening. So I was thinking to myself whether to trust the API or to trust our prayers. There was more pressure when the member reminded me of the increased API and reckoning to call it off. If God showed up, then it would be good; If God didnt, I would be deemed stubborn to risk the health of the CF members. I then particularly looked up for the verse in Hebrews 11:1 that says "Faith is being sure of what you hope for and certain of what you do not see." So I replied the member, saying I was still waiting for God. I didnt want to doubt everyone's prayers. Our CF advisor, Ji Jian replied saying that there was a forecast that the rain would come at 4 in the evening.
At 3 something in the afternoon, my stomach was hungry and calling for food. I sent out a tweet saying "Can the sky rumble like my stomach does?". And right after that, the sky rumbled!!! I was like "God! Is this a sign/answer to my question and prayers?" and tears welled up in my eyes for a short while. But it didnt rain at 4pm. I moved to another venue for another class, and the haze was still very bad. I was really desperate for God's answer. When my class ended at 5pm, I went online to check on the haze updates and found out that certain places in the Klang Valley had already started raining. In Cyberjaya, there were just strong winds that didnt really blow the haze away. My friends all left and went home but I remained in the class. Then someone who walked pass the door said "yay dah hujan". I turned and walked out of the room. Staring outside, I saw raindrops and was touched and overwhelmed by God's timing. That was 5.44pm. :')
And while the rain was pouring, I was facebook chatting with a senior who graduated from MMU. I shared with him about how God answered prayers and sent the rain. It was really exciting to share this testimony, although he was a non-believer. He then showed to me a verse posted by his brother (His brother is a Christian), andwow, it was Heb11:1! So I told him, "I think this verse is meant for you to come across. I didnt know we would chat today(as in I didnt know that he would find me chat). Didnt know that I would even share this testimony with you." Everything was unplanned, but God orchestrated it so amazingly. This senior, once in a while when I remember him, I will pray for his salvation. And thank God for that one opportunity to share the testimony to him. Who knows what impact it could bring?
The rain stopped before AGM. So AGM and the Putrajaya tour went smoothly. We went with 14 cars, and had the longest mamak table ever! :D All glory to God who has made things possible. I sometimes think that God loves me so much that He supported my decision to carry on with the Putrajaya Alpha Tour. When I came back from Putrajaya that Tuesday night, my roommate told me when it rained at 5 something in the evening, she wanted to tell me that my fasting works. She even asked me to fast for her next time if there's any need. Although her understanding of the idea of fasting isnt right, it somehow shows how real our God is, and I am happy for this truth being shown. I sometimes pray for her salvation, and I believe that through these small experiences, seeds will be sown.
Here's a picture of our fellowship+supper at mamak. Once again, all glory to God! =)
Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. If any of you lacks wisdom. he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault. and it will be given to him. But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That man should not think he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all he does.
So, as most of you know, the Theme for our CF this semester is Truth in Action. But can we really go out and do God's work if we are not united? Is this "Unity" really important? If so, how do achieve this "Unity" ?
We'll have a guest speaker today, Ms Jocelyn Tan who's gonna help you with these questions. =)
Assignments and Midterms and Labs, the whole stress package. Welcome to Week 5!
Hope you guys have been having fun so far! Break UP? Yeap! But the good kinda break up, cause this week we'll be have our...
CG Launching!
We'll be breaking you guys into THREE separate groups and you'll get to know your CG Leader.
Angee, Phillip, or Edward, depending on who you get!
So come and find out in who's CG you gonna be in. :)
CGs or Care Groups. The function of CG is to care for the members of CF
in a smaller group. We conduct Bible studies and plan outings and do
tons of fun stuff together.
Hello! Week 4! Now was that fast or what. Despite the haze and everything, I hope you guys are doing well. *puts on mask*
We'll be having our AGM tonight, and after our AGM we'll hopefully be going for our Alpha Tour to Putrajaya. I say hopefully cause the haze might be an issue and we might need to postpone the tour.
But for now, the tour is still on, YAY! Pray this haze condition gets better. And not to worry, if it's too bad to go out, we'll keep you guys entertained in. Come and join us tonight and see what we'll be doing.
What is up people! Hope you guys had an awesome first 2.5 weeks. XD
CF is officially kicking off this week and we can't wait to welcome you guys back.
We'll be talking about the Theme Verse and we'll also be Launching the Ministries this week!
For the newbies, come and get to know what CF is all about. Is it just another club here in MMU? Do we only do "Christian" stuff? What is being a Christian in campus all about? Come, and we hope you'll get your questions answered and find your place here in CF. =)
As for the "ancients", I'm sure you guys can't wait to find out what the CF theme is gonna be for trimester. That picture above might give you a clue, but come and find out what it's all about.
And that's a wrap folks for the academic year 2012/2013….We at CFMMU would like to thank you for sticking with us for this academic year. We hope to see you again next academic year.
We also like to congratulate the new CF Committees on being elected and we’d like to thank them as well as the out-going CF comms for availing themselves to serve in CF.
And for those graduating or leaving us, we’d like to thank you for being part of our lives and we wish you all the best in your future undertakings.
CFMMU would like to wish everyone who has finals, all the best and remember to always seek God.
Philippians 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.