Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Week 12: Bridges

We've got something special for you this week! 

FIVE people from FES(Fellowship of Evangelical Students) will be coming and we'll be talking about 

Jambatan       Anak      Malaysia

What's Jambatan Anak Malaysia? Come and find out! :P
It will be pretty interesting considering what week this is! XD

This thing is still on! Comment with your favorite movie of all time? You can comment under here on on the CF Fb page as well. :) 

Date: 27th August 2013
Time: 8:00PM
Venue: FOE CR1026

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Week 11: Everybody

Just in case you missed it in the title, it's Week 11.

We'll be talking about our neighbors this week in CF. Yeap, neighbors!

Who's your neighbor? Who's my neighbor? Is everybody really my neighbor? 
Even that strange kid from from High School? O.o

Mr Michael William will be our speaker for this week so come and see what he has installed for us. :)

No one commented anything last week, sad kid is sad. :( I'll try again. What's your favorite color? Comment on the Facebook comment section below!

Date: 20th August 2013
Time: 8:00PM
Venue: FOE CR1026

Monday, August 12, 2013

Week 10: Unbreakable

Week 10!

This week we'll be learning about the 10 COMMANDMENTS

Simple enough!
But you'd be surprised about how much you can learn from this 10 simple commandments.

We've got some activities to make this one interesting...I think...

If there are no activities, it's still a pretty interesting topic. XD

Ms Annette from FES will be the speaker and the one conducting the activities.

PIC COMBO: Kim the President and Wee Nee the Wez Nez

Out of Topic: I've decided to make this a weekly thing, comment with you favorite TV series on Facebook

Date: 13th August 2013
Time: 8:00PM
Venue: FOE CR1026

Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Week ∞: Resting Hour

It's not Week 9 and it's not Week 10. This week-less week, we'll be having....


Hope you guys are enjoying your break. Truth in Action yo!

 "If you want to work for world peace, go home and love your families." - Mother Teresa

So, spend some time with your family and old friends and also God! Don't forget Him! :)

And for those who are stuck in office, doing assignments, FYP and stuff....
HAHAHAHA! Our hearts are with you guys! :P

Take care, we'll see you guys next week! :)

I wonder if people actually read all these blog post. Comment with your favorite fruit on Fb if you do! :)

PIC: That guy from Pacific Rim.

Date: 6th August 2013
Time: 8:00PM
Venue: Wherever You wanna be at!