Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Week 2: Animals

Hello!! Hope you guys have settled back to campus life.
If you have not, you should, WEEK 2 already WEI! XD

This week in CF, it's all about animals!! 
What can we learn from them, compare them to bible characters and fun facts.

Both PIC and the Speakers will be two highly "Intellectual" guys, a 6 year old and an imaginary stuffed animal. Hehehe.

We'll also be playing some simple games tonight. So come, bring your friends and let's have fun shall we!

See you there!! :)

Date: 29th October 2013
Time: 8:00PM
Venue: FOE CR1026

Monday, October 21, 2013

Week 1: Welcome Back!

Welcome back peeps!
Hope you guys had a good semester break and now it's time to jump into the semester again.

CF starts on Week 1 and no boring stuff this week. Cause this Tuesday, it's all about the FOOD!

Angee will be PIC and she'll in charge of all the food stuff.

So if you haven't already, check on the event

We going with the potluck method here so anyone that can bring some food, that would be awesome!

So if you're bringing anything, fill this guy up: http://goo.gl/15xQlW

Date: 22nd October 2013
Time: 8:00PM
Venue: FOE CR1026