Sunday, September 04, 2005

akan datang : GET REAL # 2

ini dia, yang dinanti-nantikan. (this is it, what we've all been waiting for)


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this tuesday. 6 september 05
LIVE at 8pm, CR2047.

Come with your questions, doubts, thoughts.
No bashing, no biting, no 'laughing-at' allowed.
Pure learning and getting to know this Christian belief a little bit better.

more reasons to be there?
- Session facilitated by Pas Sivin Kit. and he's a really nice guy ;).
- Sing-song/game session by WeeLiem.
- You get to learn more about the Christian faith.
- You don't have to be dressed in a pre-set dresscode.
- it's a tuesday night, you're a uni student; it's high time for pursuit of things that build your brain matter and give you a better understanding of who you are in this big big world. -> don't miss this chance.
- get to go mamak with other mamak-kakis. yayy!
( you can add more yourself ; leave a comment or two, will ya?)

so there. mari-mari semua! (come all!) and if you have doubts, or questions or yada-yadas - leave a comment, and i'll get to you. and if you need transport to CF, msg Y! audreytma.