Sunday, September 04, 2005


Msia - i'm lovin it was dressy, warm, prayerful and all that jazz.
we had ppl coming in looking pretty in traditional garb,
we had ppl gathering up in groups of their own home state and praying together.
SELANGOR, PERAK and PENANG all had large contingents.
Perlis, wuz sadly, unrepresented. Where are all you Perlis fellas? come laa =) Kedah, Kelantan, Sabah, & Pahang all had only one rep each.
But it was alright - the prayer must go on.
We prayed for many things; for each state, for the leadership our country, for our social welfare, for economic and political stability, for the church in malaysia. ..

and after that we had supper ( as malaysians do ) at serdang.
t'was a fun night, and at the end of it, nothing be said but this :

"Malaysia - we're lovin it ;"

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- hiding behind their flag -

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pretty in their 'kurung's.

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- but of course we prayed -

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- group pic -

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"lai lai lai~"