Friday, August 15, 2008
Previously in CF:Chronicle Of Daniel
We had a character study based on the epic story of Daniel.
>605BC >Daniel in the court of king Nebuchadnezzar
>new challenges=selected for the king's service at a very young age
=qualification:royal blood, no physical defect, handsome, well informed, quick to understand, qualified.
=must study language and literature of Babylon.
=new name(Belteshazzar) and new home(Babylon)
>new limits=he was in a situation of no choice
=chose to honour God
=chose not to defile himself(with the king's food)
>new possibilities=a new diet which is better and well nourished
=examined by the king and was found 10 times better than those who ate d kings food
=the Lord was with them.
>Daniels life n faith:1)king Josiah
shaped by -reformations
-book of laws found
-passover celebrated
-did what was right in the sight of God
-had a tough message to carry
-wrote a letter to the exile
>539BC>Empire changes hands(Persians), but Daniel still remained
>King Darius wanted 2 appoint daniel as chief, and some of d officials were jealous, so they plotted and daniel ended up in the lions den.
>God was with daniel n saved him from the lions.
>king Darius acknowledged that daniel served his God continually.
>maintaining Purity In Our Life:
>Permission not to defile ourselves
>People who influence our lives
>Passion to honour God and to serve Him continually
How Do I Make An Impact In University?
>A life thats serving God continually
>yes to integrity and excellence
>no to corruption and negligence
>superb attitude towards studies and work
>unlikely 'places and position' of influence
>genuine relationships
>excellence in our regards for all people
>willingness to work with anyone
>really caring for people
>unlikely friendships