Humble Beginnings
The pioneers started out CF by faith, trusting in God . Seeing the vision of MMU Christian students gathering together and becoming salt and light to our community. They started out many things which have become our heritage. (prayer meetings, CGs, mission pledges, CyberChristmas)
Expansion & Challenges
Throughout the years the CF existed, we went through many obstacles. There were times where we were moving around constantly, without a proper room. It was an uncomfortable and challenging time as we faced opposition from the authorities. By the grace of God, CF is still around! But also because there were people who refused to give up. Standing firm by faith despite obstacles, because our God is more than able to keep us from harm.
CF is meant to support one another in love. The core of CF is its people, not activities. We need to place right priorities .Love one another.
God’s faithfulness
These stories remind us of the faithfulness of God despite our many pitfalls. Through the thick and thin, God has been with the CF, and will always be. Take a few moments to reflect on God’s faithfulness is your own personal lives.