Sunday, February 22, 2009

Coming up NEXT:

Video Screening: Campus Revival. This sermon was given by Paul Washer at youth evangelism conference.

Dr Ong Duu Sheng (CCF Advisor) will be sharing with us his perspectives on the matter.

Venue: FOE CR3045
Time: 8pm


Due to technical difficulties, the recordings from the last 2 CFs only now finally available:

Dr. Ian

Praise & Worship for 10th February
Talk: Where is Love by Steven Low

Praise & Worship for 17th February
Talk: Spiritual Banquet by Joshua Johnson


For the upcoming lent season, we will be having short prayer meetings on Monday(s) to Thurday(s) from the 23rd of February till the 9th of April, 2009.



Everyone is encouraged to come and bless and to be blessed.

Venue: FOE Foyer
Time: 1pm


LENT fasting starts on Wednesday 25th Feb. We will just start prayer ealier.
For those who can't lead on that day, do contact Rachel. Y! rachel.reichieru