There's some extra info about our past meeting and topic in the semester.
Ladder up-
Theme Talk-Annette
June 23 09
*Annette had made an inspiring speech and introduce us the theme of our cf this academic year-LADDER UP. She has shown us the meaning and the definition of the term LADDER UP whilst the meaning behind it too. She also has stated and showed us what we as the cf members must do in bringing this 'fancy' theme into reality or should we say.......PUTTING IT INTO ACTION.
Reflection of our walk with Him-Ps. Tan Soo Inn
July 14 09
*In this topic, he(pastor),has given us tips on how to be close with god.He stated that fellowship among christian is important as to build up the fire of faith and passion in god lord our Saviour.So,he showed us a method and its called-'MENTHORING'.Through this method,bros and sis in christ from different background
and ages could share their experience in the walking of faith to others so that the others who may not experience it yet may be prepared and stand firm.
Battle Royale-
Importance of Church-Ps. Philip
July 21 09
*Pastor Philip had open our eyes regarding the importance of attending a church and being its member.He stated that the bible stated that jesus loves his church as how a husband love his wife.This is how much god love his church.......... Yeah,its kinda important for us to be in a group of god's fearing people like CF so that we could uphold ourselves together in times of hardship.Yet,cf is temporary. So, a permanent family is needed and there comes the role of THE CHURCH.
Cheers~ (^,^)Y