~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~mirror mirror on the wall~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Just like we stare at the mirror every morning , we sometime reflect on our life we live. This Week is about Reflection on this semester and prayer.
Do join us~
Venue : FOE Cr1027
Time : 8.00pm
A "Snap" review on last week's gathering :
For the great commission,evangelist Ruban has deliver us an impacting message and gave us the need to serve the lord and also to fulfill the great commission. He stated that in order for us to have the heartbeat of the great comission in us for 24-7,we should have the greatest commandment of god which is to LOVE THY GOD WITH ALL THY HEART.Many people were also touched by the testimony of a young gangster and assasin-Auto Raja who had been transformed into a great man of god's mission because of a small yet powerful word "JESUS LOVES YOU."