YO PEOPLE.... THIS WEEK WE ARE GONNA DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT.......we're having this AWESOME BBQ Nite just for you guys to chill , eat and fellowship with one another. Do come as we spend this time having fellowship & enjoying good food.... P\S you can also bring a friend or 2 to the BBQ Nite.
Time: 8 pm
Venue: A3 Hall, Cyberia.....dont know the place FEAR NOT come to FOE CR 1024 first..... your very wise seniors shall be your guide
Venue: A3 Hall, Cyberia.....dont know the place FEAR NOT come to FOE CR 1024 first..... your very wise seniors shall be your guide
Any Question? please contact :
Victor : kweekit@yahoo.com
Aimie : aimie_lam@yahoo.com