Coming out in the next Cf is an exclusive movie screening of the title 'End Of The Spears:
The true story of a group of Christian missionaries in Ecuador who set out to reach the Wadani tribe (a violent Ecuadorian tribe defined by revenge killing). When the 5 men from this group are speared to death by Mincayani and others in the tribe (who believe all foreigners are cannibals), the wives and children of those men move into the Wadani tribe to teach them about God. End of the Spear is an amazing story of Truth, Love, and Forgiveness.
Interfaith Talk
Topic : Sexual Orientation (Homosexual, Bisexual, Transexual)
Date: 27th November 2008 (Thursday)
Venue : FOMXR0001
Time : 7:45pm
Buddhist Speaker: Vijaya Samarawickrama (Uncle Vijaya).
Christian Speaker: Mr. Rufus Bruno Pereira (Research Co-ordinator of the Archdiocesan Pastoral Institute, Kuala Lumpur)
Hindu Speaker: Mr. Ravindran Nadison (Counselor and a member of International Society of Krisna Conciousners Bhaktivedanta centre)
Islam Speaker: Sister Lana.

Prayer meeting TGIF will be on.Please meet in Room BR1016.

This bible study on the book of Galations will be on as usual.

On 6th and 20th December, 2008, they will be a trip to the homes. At that time, you can then have fellowship with the children there as well as presenting the gifts to them.
Date: 6th December 2008 (Saturday)
Venue: Rumah Charis
Time: 10am-1pm
Date: 20th December 2008 (Saturday)
Venue: Rumah Kanak-Kanak Triniti
Time: 10am-1pm
Any esquires please do approach:
Amy Sim /Y!:amy_stt1987/0166938248
Glen Ooi Zee Win/Y!:glenooi/016-3571859